Home 5 Mathematics 5 Faculty leaves of absence policies

Faculty leaves of absence policies

Absence from campus or class


Academic-year appointees are expected to be present from the beginning of the fall quarter through the end of the spring quarter; any appointee returning after the beginning of the fall quarter or leaving before the end of the spring quarter should apply for a leave of absence in accordance with the sections outlined in APM – 700 – 0 see link above. This is the link for the Faculty Leave Request Form. If you plan on leaving campus at any time during the academic year, excluding academic holidays, for any reason, personal or professional, a leave of absence must be requested and/or discussed with the Chair well in advance of formalizing any plans.

It is important that you make arrangements for course instruction to continue despite your absence and regardless of the reason. Finding a replacement instructor is preferred. Rescheduling classes is possible but not recommended, since it imposes on students. Canceling classes is not acceptable faculty conduct. In all instances, you are responsible for notifying students and the Department by informing them directly of your upcoming absence and the arrangements you have made, and for posting notices of the change.

The Regents and the President have established specific regulations on certain types of leaves of absence. Types of leave include sick leave, family and medical leave, parental leave, among others. As an example, leave to attend professional meetings or for University business is approved by the:

  1. Chair (for leaves of 7 calendar days or less)
  2. Dean (for leaves of 7 calendar days to 12 months)
  3. Executive Vice Chancellor (for leaves beyond 12 months)

Therefore, please submit your personal or professional leave request to the Chair through the Department Manager at least 30 days before departure in order to obtain the required approvals (does not apply to sudden illness). If the leave is to attend a professional meeting or for University business and is for more than 15 days, the rules in Sections 758 and 759 of the Academic Personnel Manual may apply. The EVC retains authority for exceptions to policy.

While you are on an extended leave, the Math Department may need to assign another instructor to your office. Before leaving, please: complete the Department’s Leave Checklist and return it to the Department Office; clear your voicemail and give the Department your password, so your phone can be set up for the instructor using your office; give the Department instructions for forwarding your first-class mail and leave a phone number, email address, and physical address where you can be reached if necessary; remove or box-up your personal items; tidy the space around the desk, computer space, and some drawers. It is essential that you leave a functional workspace.

Visitor space requests and courtesy research appointments

We have a limited number of offices for faculty visitors. Offices are reserved on a first-come, first serve basis. Mathematics faculty wishing to reserve an office for their visitor must complete the Visitor Space Request Form. Please note that faculty requesting space for a research appointment, must send a letter, addressed to the Chair, requesting the appointment. This letter should address the dates and purpose of the visit and explain why the individual should be extended research privileges (library, internet access etc.). A c.v. from the individual in question must be included, and the Chair’s approval is required. The PBSci Dean’s approval must be secured for courtesy research appointments. Requests requiring a visa will require a minimum of 16 weeks prior to the program start date!!!! These visa request files must be processed by the Department, PBSci Division and ISS staff and it all requires time.
