Open Call – Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation – Grants

Jan 24, 2023 | Awards & Funding, Research

To: All Science Faculty & Researchers
From: Office of Foundation & Corporate Relations
Subject: Funding Opportunity

The Office of Foundations Relations is pleased to share this open call for funding from the Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation.

UCSC Contact: Samantha Forde |
Funder: Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation
Opportunity: Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation Grants
LOI Deadline:  March 1, 2023


The Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation awards four types of grants:

Emerging Investigator Fellowship Grant

These grants are designed to support Post-Doctoral Fellowships and Clinical Investigator training for emerging pediatric cancer researchers to pursue exciting research ideas. Applicants must have completed two years of their fellowship, or not more than two years as a junior faculty instructor or assistant professor at the start of the award period. These grants encourage and cultivate the best and brightest researchers of the future.

Funding: maximum of $50,000 per year and can be renewed annually.

Translational Research Grant

This type of grant primarily funds new research protocols and therapies that hold promise for improved outcomes and accelerates cures from the laboratory bench to the bedside of children and teens with high-risk cancers. This grant is given to programs that involve open, multi-institutional cancer clinical trials or consortia, and implement new approaches to therapy.

Funding: up to $75,000 per year for multiple years.

Basic Research Science Grant

This type of grant primarily funds basic science, translational and/or clinical state-of-the-art pediatric cancer research initiatives. These types of grants fund work that is the basis for childhood cancer research, helping to move science in the direction of improved treatments and eventually finding a cure.

Funding: up to $150,000 per year for multiple years.

Designated Grant Program

These grants fund projects in communities or regions local to the specific donor or fundraising activity. Outside contributing organizations, fundraisers and donors work with the Foundation to identify a specific project, focus on a specific disease type, facility or awareness program. Grants can be for any specific amount as designated by the donor or contributing organization.

For previously funded research, please click here.

Grant Criteria

  • The probability of an advance in prevention, diagnosis or treatment for the near-term
  • The novelty of the concept and strategy
  • The clarity of presentation
  • The overall plan for bringing the research findings to clinical application
  • Experience, background, and qualifications of the investigators
  • Adequacy of resources and environment (facilities, patients, etc.)


  • PCRF only funds non-profit institutions and they must be located in the U.S.
  • PCRF does not have citizenship requirements for investigators. However, the Principal Investigator needs to be employed by a non-profit U.S. institution that has an affiliation with a hospital.
  • Basic Science Research and Translational Grants require the applicant to be a PhD and/or MD.
  • Emerging Investigator applicants must have completed two years of their fellowship, or not more than two years as a junior faculty instructor or assistant professor at the start of the award period.

 Please see the LOI Guidelines for further information.


  • March 1,2023                   Letter of Intent deadline
  • March 15, 2023                Applicants are invited to submit grant application
  • June 1, 2023                     Grant application deadline, 5 p.m. PST
  • November 2023               Selected applicants contacted
  • January 1, 2024                Grant start date

 Special Requirements

Please notify the Office of Foundation Relations if you are interested in applying to this opportunity ( Please submit a proposal intake form prior to UCSC’s internal Institutional Deadlines. For support developing your proposal, please contact the Research Development Specialist assigned to your unit or send a request to

The Office of Foundation Relations is a unit of University Relations. The FR team creates and maintains mutually beneficial, long-term relationships with private organizations, matching grant initiatives with educational and research programs and centers. FR supports faculty and staff to identify and approach these and other private foundations for funding, to assist in strategic positioning of the grant application, and to facilitate funder campus visits. 

For a list of recent funding opportunities, please visit the FR website. FR Calls for Funding

If you have any questions or comments, please contact