Hello PBSci Community,

The PBSci Keys Office is excited to announce PBSci’s transition to a new and improved keys software system! Due to circumstances outside the division’s control, our current key control and administration software, ADCKey, is reaching its end of life and being sunset. However, this has provided us with the opportunity to find a new system to better serve the division’s security needs. 

This new system will be implemented by the facilities team and will be going live starting March 25th. 

Aside from a new link and layout, this change will represent little change for the majority of our users, while providing enhanced features for the PBSci Keys Office, key authorizers, and supervisors. This change will not impact electronic access requests – only brass keys.

We are very excited about this change and will share more information as we get closer to the go-live date. 

As always, please direct any questions you may have regarding keys, access, or security to pbscikeys@ucsc.edu

Thank you,
Hazel and Haylee