Open Call: National Geographic Society (NGS) – Spatial Thinking: Inspiring Action through Place-Based Solutions

Mar 27, 2025 | Awards & Funding, Research

To: Science Faculty & Researchers
From: Office of Foundation Relations
Subject: Funding Opportunity

The Office of Foundations Relations is pleased to share these two open calls for funding from the National Geographic Society.

UCSC Contact: Caroline Rodriguez |
Funder: National Geographic Society (NGS)
Program Description: Spatial Thinking: Inspiring Action through PlaceBased Solutions
Deadline: May 5, 2025 8:59 p.m. PT

An informational webinar is scheduled for Thursday, March 27, 2025 at 6 AM PT.


We continue to face big, complex, and rapidly changing challenges such as climate adaptation and mitigation, water scarcity, biodiversity conservation, and preserving and better understanding cultural knowledge and human stories. Spatial thinking is a powerful tool for understanding and telling stories of the past and present of a place and its inhabitants. It can help us understand a place’s unique conditions, how people and our planet relate to those conditions, and create and implement solutions needed to address challenges of a place.

This funding opportunity supports projects that identify a challenge related to a specific place and its unique conditions and leverages an educational solution using spatial thinking to enable people to act on behalf of our planet and its people.

All topics related to our focus areas – Ocean, Land, Wildlife, Human Histories and Cultures, Planetary Health, and Space – are encouraged and will be considered.

For more information about this RFP, please consult our Frequently Asked Questions.

This highly competitive opportunity is open to applicants over the age of 18. Funding may be awarded in either a Level I or Level II grant.

Overview Level I Grants

Level I Grants are designed for individuals who may be earlier in their career, those looking to establish themselves better in their field, those seeking mentorship from others in their field and beyond, or those who want to grow their network and enhance their impact by joining a global community of National Geographic Explorers.

Award and Terms – Level I Grants

  • $20,000/one year
  • Unique opportunities for training, networking, coaching, mentorship, and more from fellow National Geographic Explorers, experts, staff, partners, and forums.
  • Individuals interested in an active part of the Explorer Community.

Overview Level II Grants

Researchers more established in their field, have previously received a National Geographic Society grant, or are seeking a higher level of funding, may apply for a Level II Grant.

Award and Terms – Level II Grants

  • Level II Grants typically receive funding of $50,000 – $60,000, but awards of up to $100,000 are possible in exceptional and well-justified cases.
  • Grantees will provide mentorship to others within the Explorer community, contribute their expertise, and may participate in relevant speaking engagements upon request.


  • Project start dates should be a minimum of six months after the submission deadline to ensure any awarded funds are received in time.
  • If you are working on a project outside your home country or community, you must include at least one local collaborator on your team who is significantly involved in the project.
  • You may submit a proposal as the project leader for only one project at a time.
  • You must submit a final report and media from any previous National Geographic Society grants for which you were the leader before applying to lead a new project.
  • The individual responsible for carrying out the project should write the application and be listed as the project leader.


Please see the NGS Grants Program Overview for more information.

Special Instructions

Please notify the Office of Foundation Relations if you are interested in applying to this opportunity ( For support developing your proposal, please contact the Research Development Specialist assigned to your unit or send a request to Within the Division of Social Sciences, please contact Ashlee Tews (

Call sent: March 26, 2025

The Office of Foundation Relations is a unit of University Advancement. The FR team creates and maintains mutually beneficial, long-term relationships with private organizations, matching grant initiatives with educational and research programs and centers. FR supports faculty and staff to identify and approach these and other private foundations and corporations for funding, to assist in strategic positioning of the grant application, and to facilitate funder campus visits. For a list of recent funding opportunities, please visit the FR website.  FR Calls for Funding

If you have any questions or comments, please contact