LOCATION(S): Fackler Cogen and Central Heat Plant
UTILITY THAT WILL BE SHUT DOWN: Turbine and Central Heating Water Loop
SCHEDULED DATE: 04/22/2024 – TBD
SCHEDULED TIME: 04/22/2024 @ 0600 TO: TBD
REASON: Emergency repairs are needed to fix a leaking fitting on the heating water lines in the Central Heat Plant Boiler Building.
Buildings affected are:
Communications Building, E2, JBEB, PSB, BioMed, Sin Labs, Science Library, Nat Sci 2, ISB, CFOA, Thimann, Earth and Marine, McHenry Library and Kerr Hall
Impacts: Buildings have not had heat since 4/21/2024, and will not until repairs have been completed. Buildings on the A1 feeder are reliant solely on PG&E power until repairs are completed.
REQUESTED BY: Anthony Brunetti (Cogen Supervisor)
DATE: 04/22/2024