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Seminar & event information


The Department holds a weekly Colloquium on Wednesdays during the academic year (fall, winter and spring quarters). Invitees are generally well established researchers in their field and come from the Bay Area, nationally, and internationally to present their work. These highly regarded speakers cover all areas of Astrophysics and often present new exciting results of general interest. Colloquium speakers also engage with students, postdocs, faculty and researchers during meetings, lunch and other informal opportunities.

Colloquium schedule:
Wednesdays during the Academic Year
Colloquium Coffee: 3:00 – 3:30 PM, CfAO building
Colloquium Seminar: 3:30 – 5:00 PM, NatSci Annex 101


The Department holds a weekly FLASH seminar series on Fridays during lunch time. FLASH provides a more informal setting for science talks, compared to the regular Colloquium series. The goal is to provide an informal environment for early-career scientists (in general, senior PhDs and postdocs) to present their research and interact with Department members. In Spring quarter, the FLASH series is used for 2nd year Astronomy graduate students to present their current research, as part of their transfer to PhD candidates.

FLASH schedule:
Fridays, 12:30 – 1:30 PM, ISB 102