Communications & Marketing
We help with promoting research, elevating the UC Santa Cruz Science brand, building communications tools and policies, and more
Design Templates
Design Templates
Canva templates are available to you, including branded designs for posters, brochures, postcards and more. Contact someone from the Communications and Marketing team to have them shared with you.
Presentation Template
There is a Science Division branded Google Slide template for presentations located in your Slides Template Gallery. Navigate to it by going to your Google Drive, choose Slides, then click Template Gallery and choose “PBSci Presentation Template 2022”.
University Branded Letterhead
There is a UCSC branded Google Doc letterhead template located in your Docs Template Gallery. Navigate to it by going to your Google Drive, choose Docs, then click Template Gallery. Choose the UC Santa Cruz tab, and scroll down to the “Letters” section where you will see a template called “2025 UCSC Letterhead”.
Event materials: Check out tabling materials for your event, including tablecloths (divisional and departmental), banners, and pop up tents. Fill out the science tabling kit check out form.
Promoting your event on our website: Add your upcoming event to the campus calendar and Science website to ensure your events reach the broadest audience possible. Watch this tutorial video to learn how.
Event photography: Read these event photography tips on how to take great photos at your event. Use these photo releases to get permission to use photos with people in them.
Email Guidelines
Review the divisional email guidelines to ensure best practices are met for marketing emails (newsletters, event invitations, etc.).
Photography and Video
Browse the Science photo library or campus photo library to find photos for your website and more.
Notify us of your research activity, awards, or other newsworthy information by emailing Mike Peña at
Have something fun or exciting that you would like to see featured on the Science Division’s social media accounts? Share it with us by emailing someone from the Communications and Marketing team. Great photos help!
Science Logos
Find UCSC Science logos in png and illustrator formats, as well as the High Impact Science graphic.
Web Support and Resources
UCSC Communications and Marketing Toolkit
Find more information on campus-wide branding and marketing/communications standards on the UCSC Communications and Marketing website.
Meet the team
If your contact information is out of date, see how to update your directory information.