EPS Vehicles

The EPS fleet consists of three 12-passenger Ford Vans, a Ford E-350 Cargo Van, a Dodge 1500 Truck and a Toyota Tundra Double Cab Truck known as “Ruby”.
VAN 7771 |
VAN 7772 |
VAN 7773 |
Instructions for reserving “Ruby” Toyota Tundra, EPS Cargo Van, EPS 12-Passenger Vans, Dodge Truck, UCSC Fleet Vehicles, and Portable Toilets:
- Please check on the availability of department vehicles in the calendar to the right and in the upcoming reservations list by clicking the button below:
- To request vehicle reservations click the button below:
- All reservations including those from outside vendors will show up on the calendar once the request has been reviewed and approved. Email confirmations will also be sent with detailed rental information. Please double check that your reservations are accurate for the dates requested.
- If you do NOT see your reservation on the calendar and/or do not recieve a confirmation email, your reservation has NOT been finalized. Please contact amylkorn@ucsc.edu or bcheney@ucsc.edu immediately for further assistance with your reservation.
Click below to log vehicle mileage
(Logs do not work well with Safari browser)
Recharge fees
The recharge rate for use is $1.27 per mile. A recharge FOAPAL must be entered when requesting a reservation otherwise requests may not be accepted. Please log mileage upon your return to campus.
You may pick up the keys and fuel cards for department vehicles from the department office. Keys should be returned to these same locations after use.
Always return vehicles with a full tank of fuel. Please contact bcheney@ucsc.edu if tanks were not full upon pick-up. Fuel expenses associated with research should be paid for using research funds or personal funds to be reimbursed.
When fueling (regular gas), check oil level and tire pressure. These are especially important when carrying a heavy load and before long trips. In case of accident, refer to emergency packet in glove box.
Heading out
Before driving please remember to double check the vehicle’s condition and fuel levels.
On your return
Please park “Ruby” Tundra and 12-passenger vans in “University Vehicle” stalls adjacent to Earth and Marine Sciences loading dock, along the green building, or on Steinhart Way. The cargo van and Dodge truck can be parked either on Steinhart Way or in the Core West parking structure 5th floor. If there are no available stalls at the Earth and Marine sciences building, please return department vehicles to the covered parking spots on the 5th floor of the Core West Parking Structure. If both of theses areas are full, please be sure to email epsfleet@gmail.com their exact parking location as soon as the vehicle is returned. Please refuel, pack your trash, leave vehicles cleaner than you found them and be sure NOT to park in or adjacent to a compact parking stall or in one of the metered spaces. Please wash and/or vacuum vehicles if they are left with excessive dirt, sand or mud. A shop vacuum is can be made available for you to use. IMPORTANT! Please fill out the vehicle mileage logs online (links are located at the top of this page).