Home 5 Facilities Management 5 Ergonomic Health & Support

Ergonomic Health & Support

PBSci Facilities provides standard preventive ergonomic assessments for faculty, staff, and graduate students within the Division. This includes an in person assessment of your workspace as well as recommendations for equipment and your overall office or lab set up.

A representative from PBSci Facilities will be the first level assessor to evaluate your ergonomic case. To get started, please complete the UCSC online training and assessment module then submit the short questionnaire below.

  1. Log into the Learning Center for Risk & Safety Services and complete the Computer Ergonomics Self-Assessment module.


    If you have trouble accessing the training/self-assessment please consult your Departmental head or Manager to confirm you have access to the UCSC Learning Center. If you experience technical issues with the module once logged in, please contact: service@riskandsafetysolutions.com

  2. Reach out to us at pbsciwodesk@ucsc.edu. Once we receive your ergonomic inquiry, we will advise next steps.

Once we receive the completed form and confirmation of training completion, we will reach out via email to schedule an in person evaluation with you.

Below are some Additional Resources and quicklinks with information and helpful links to a variety of healthy ergonomic practices and tips for both office and laboratory workstations, as well as resources and recommendations for remote work.