Apr 6, 2022 | Biomedical Sciences Building, Facilities Management
PBSci SHUTDOWN NOTICE BioMed Hot Water Systems LOCATION(S): Biomedical Sciences Building UTILITY TO BE SHUT DOWN: Hot Water for the duration of the project Fire Alarms in the mechanical room will be tested during the daytime work hours SCHEDULED DATES: 4/11/22...
Mar 10, 2022 | Biomedical Sciences Building, Facilities Management
BIOMED – WORK ADVISORY LOCATION: Biomedical Sciences Building AREA TO BE AFFECTED: Vivarium Watering System to be replaced – Work will be in the common hallway areas of the Vivarium. * Process, Industrial and Domestic Hot Water tanks to be replaced. Work...
Mar 2, 2022 | Biomedical Sciences Building, Facilities Management
LOCATION (S): Biomedical Sciences UTILITY THAT WILL BE SHUT DOWN: Building Ventilation Systems, including Fume Hoods, Processed Cooling Water (connected to ice machines and any water-cooled equipment in rooms 164, 264, and 364). Building Steam will be affected. Use...
Jul 14, 2021 | Biomedical Sciences Building, Facilities Management
INDUSTRIAL & DOMESTIC HOT/COLD WATER AND STEAM SYSTEM SHUTDOWN LOCATION: BioMed UTILITY AFFECTED: Industrial/Domestic Hot & Cold Water and Building Steam will be shut down for approximately 4 hours SCHEDULED...
Mar 4, 2021 | Biomedical Sciences Building, Facilities Management
LOCATION (S): Biomedical Sciences UTILITY THAT WILL BE SHUT DOWN: Building Ventilation Systems, including Fume Hoods, Processed Cooling Water (connected to ice machines and any water-cooled equipment in rooms 164, 264, and 364). Building Steam will be affected. Use...
Nov 10, 2020 | Biomedical Sciences Building, Facilities Management
LOCATION(S): BioMed UTILITY TO BE SHUT DOWN: BioMed HVAC systems including Fume hoods. (AHU-2 6am-8am, AHU-1 8am- 10am) SCHEDULED DATE: Thursday, 11/19/2020 SCHEDULED TIME: 06:00 AM – 10:00 AM REASON: Air Filters damages by CZU wildfire ash. Need immediate...