Apr 7, 2023 | Facilities Management
LOCATION(S): Earth & Marine Sciences Building C – Wing UTILITY TO BE SHUT DOWN: C – Wing Elevator SCHEDULED DATE(S): 4-14-23 SCHEDULED TIME: 11:00 AM – TBD* **The time needed to complete repairs is unknown. Expect the elevator to be out of...
Apr 6, 2023 | All Division, Facilities Management
LOCATION(S): All Science Hill buildings (supported by Cogen) UTILITY TO BE SHUT DOWN: Cogen Turbine/AKA Central Heat Plant SCHEDULED DATE(S): Monday 4/10/23 Through Thursday 4/13/23 SCHEDULED TIME: From 10:00 pm on 4/10/23 Through 4:00 pm on 4/13/23 REASON:...
Mar 9, 2023 | Biomedical Sciences Building, Facilities Management
LOCATION(S): Biomedical Sciences Building UTILITY TO INSPECTED & TESTED: Building Fire Sprinkler Systems and Flow Switches WORK TO BE PERFORMED: The Plumbing & Fire Alarm Shops will be performing the testing of the building Fire Sprinkler waterflow and tamper...
Mar 9, 2023 | Biomedical Sciences Building, Facilities Management
LOCATION (S): Biomedical Sciences Building UTILITY THAT WILL BE SHUT DOWN: Building Ventilation Systems, including Fume Hoods, Processed Cooling Water (connected to ice machines and any water-cooled equipment in rooms 164, 264, and 364). Building Steam will be...
Mar 9, 2023 | Facilities Management, Physical Sciences Building
LOCATION(S): Physical Sciences Building UTILITY TO BE TESTED: Fire Alarm System *No horns will be sounded. If you hear an alarm, respond as you normally would to a regular fire alarm. SCHEDULED DATE(S): Wednesday, March 15, 2023 through Monday, May 15, 2023 *Testing,...
Mar 2, 2023 | Facilities Management, Physical Sciences Building
LOCATION: Physical Sciences Building UTILITY THAT WILL BE SHUT DOWN: Building Ventilation and Mechanical Systems including but not limited to: Fume Hoods, Processed Cooling Water (connected w/ the Water Cooled Equipment), RO Water. Compressed Lab Air will not be...
Feb 24, 2023 | All Division, Facilities Management
LOCATION(S): Campus Wide (See schedule below)* UTILITY THAT WILL BE TESTED: Emergency Generators & Standby Generators Physical Plant Electricians will be conducting the testing ALL EMERGENCY CIRCUITS WILL TRANSFER TO GENERATOR POWER SCHEDULED DATES: Wednesday,...
Feb 16, 2023 | Facilities Management, Natural Sciences 2 Building
LOCATION: Natural Sciences 2 UTILITY THAT WILL BE SHUT DOWN: Ventilation System — including Fume hoods SCHEDULED DATE(S): Thursday, March 2nd, 2023 SCHEDULED TIME: 6:00 AM To 11:00 AM REASON: Preventive maintenance and air filter replacement. IMPACTS: HVAC and Fume...
Feb 9, 2023 | Facilities Management, Physical Sciences Building
LOCATION(S): Physical Sciences Building UTILITY TO BE SHUTDOWN: Dock Leveler SCHEDULED DATE: Thursday, 2/23/23 SCHEDULED TIME: 7:00 AM To 5:00 PM REASON: Scheduled maintenance. IMPACTS: Dock leveler will be unavailable during servicing and maintenance. Please let us...
Feb 9, 2023 | Coastal Biology Building, Facilities Management
LOCATION: Coastal Biology Building, Headhouse & Greenhouse Buildings, CSC Core Building, CSC Auxiliary Building UTILITY THAT WILL BE SHUT DOWN: Building Ventilation and Mechanical Systems including but not limited to: Fume Hoods, Processed Cooling...